PDX ICE + Abstract Ice
PDX Ice: Elevating the Ice Experience
PDX Ice opened its doors in 2012, initially focusing on crafting stunning ice sculptures for the Portland community. Following a growing demand for high-quality cocktail ice, we expanded our offerings to include large-format, crystal-clear ice.
In 2024, PDX Ice merged with Abstract Ice. This strategic partnership combines our collective resources, expertise, and innovative techniques to deliver an even higher level of excellence. Expect every piece of ice, whether it's a sculptural masterpiece or a perfectly crafted cube, to meet the highest standards of clarity, taste, and consistency.
To our valued customers, please be assured that this merger is designed to enhance your experience. We remain dedicated to providing top-tier service and are committed to meeting all your ice needs.
We are incredibly excited about the future and the possibilities this merger unlocks. Together, PDX Ice and Abstract Ice are poised to lead the industry in quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction. We look forward to continue to exceeding your expectations!
Cheers to a cooler, crisper, and more stylish Portland!
Please visit us at abstractice.com

Ice is just as important as any other ingredient in making a cocktail. Your guests will appreciate all the efforts you made in creating that cocktail. It's more than simply served on the rocks or straight up. At our Ice Studio we use old-school ice craftsmanship and high-tech to create the ultimate cocktail ice.
Crystal Clear
The process of how we filter our water combined with the slow freezing process removes all impurities and air, creating a crystal-clear block of ice.
Slow Melting
Our ice is highly dense and therefore has a slower melting time. The result is a longer lasting cold cocktail with less dilution.
With an ideal surface-area-to-volume ratio, this shape has the lowest melting rate. Use for the slowest possible rate of dilution in cocktails.

Storing Ice
Our ice is best left sealed in the bag it came in. If the ice becomes stuck together you can simply break the cubes apart using an ice pick; just place the pick in the seam of the two cubes and give a gentle tap.
Store ice at 0 degrees Fahrenheit to 20 degrees Fahrenheit. The colder the freezer the longer the ice will last in there, yet the colder the freezer the longer the cube will have to temper in the glass before adding liquid to the glass.
Tempering ice prevents it from cracking. Ice stored in a freezer needs to warm up slowly (temper) and adding liquid to a cube that is not fully tempered will cause it to crack. Non-tempered ice will feel dry and and tempered ice will be wet.
Tip: simply place the cube in the serving glass as your first step. By the time you mix up the cocktail, the cube should be tempered (tempering typically takes between 30-60 seconds).
Monogramed Ice
Temper this ice the same way as non-monogram ice. The main difference is when pouring in the cocktail: pour the cocktail off to the side of the cube rather than directly on it. If poured directly on the cube it may melt off the monogram. The monogram is made by engraving the ice. We pack it back with snow-ice and re-freeze the cube.
Transporting Ice
The best way to transport our cocktail ice is to keep it in the original packaging. Take the ice from the freezer directly to a cooler at the time you are about to leave. If traveling more than 45 minutes we suggest picking up 4-5 pounds of dry ice. With dry ice you can extend your travel time to 24 hours if packaged properly. Remember that dry ice is frozen carbon dioxide and needs to be handled properly. The temperature of dry ice is less than -100 degrees Fahrenheit, which will burn skin with direct contact. Dry ice is also always sublimating, which means you need to vent the space; try traveling with a window cracked to keep the carbon dioxide buildup to a minimum.
Handling Ice
Handling ice can be done in three ways; bare Hands, tongs, or an Ice Scoop. Always treat ice as food. When using your hands, make sure your hands are very clean. Tongs are great for larger cubes, spheres, and shards while an ice scoop works best for small cubes and crushed ice.